Recycling Collection

The Borough of Roseland schedules monthly collection of materials and recyclables not included with regular garbage collection.

Curbside Pickup Schedule

Each Wednesday is recycling day and recycling is mandatory.

Our garbage contractor also collects newspaper and corrugated cardboard one Wednesday and commingled items on the alternate Wednesday. The contractor starts collection early in the morning; therefore, it is suggested that you place your recyclables at the curb the evening before. Residents must use the curbside pickup as Roseland does not have a recycling center.


Newspaper: Includes newspaper, magazines, junk mail and telephone books. They must be tied in bundles or placed in paper bags not to exceed 30 lbs. in weight. Plastic bags or cardboard boxes are not to be used. Hard and/or soft cover books and computer paper are not recyclable and should be put out for Bulk collection. paper

Commingled Materials: Includes all glass, aluminum, tin and plastic food and beverage containers. Also included in plastic items are shampoo, detergent and other household cleaning containers. All commingled items must be washed and/or rinsed clean and placed in reusable containers not to exceed 50 lbs. in weight. Paper bags or cardboard boxes are not to be used. Mirrors, window glass, light bulbs, aluminum foil and trays, crystal, ceramic cups and plates, drinking glasses, and plastic toys are not recyclable. 

Cardboard: Includes corrugated or flat sheet stiff paperboard. Cardboard must be tied in bundles not to exceed 3 feet wide by 3 feet long and 18 inches high. It will be picked up at the curb along with each regularly scheduled newspaper collection; however, it must be separated from the newspaper. Gift & cereal boxes are not considered cardboard and are not recyclable.