Boil Water Notice LIFTED - December 6, 2022


UPDATE: 12/8 (3pm): Customers of Roseland Water Department in the area of Westview Ave (#s 1-18). and Eagle Rock Avenue (#s 254-288) were notified on 12/6/2022 of a possible problem with the drinking water due to a water main break, were advised to boil the tap water before using as a precautionary measure. We are pleased to report that the repairs have been completed and subsequent water quality testing shows the water quality to be safe. THE BOIL WATER ADVISORY IS LIFTED and it is no longer necessary to boil your water before using. Learn more about what is recommended by clicking here. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Chris Critchett at (973) 403-6856 or Roseland Police Department at (973) 226-8700.

UPDATE: 12/6 (11pm): A Boil Water Notice has now been issued for homes on Eagle Rock Avenue between the numbers of 254 and 288 & homes on Westview Avenue between 1 and 18. The notices can be read and found at the bottom of this webpage. Effective immediately and until further notice, all customers listed above are instructed to bring tap water to a rolling boil for one minute and allow the tap water to cool before using or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking; preparing foods; mixing baby formula, food, juices or drinks; washing vegetables and fruit; cooking; making ice; brushing teeth; and washing dishes until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.

12/6 (9:50pm): A Boil Water Advisory has been issued for homes on Eagle Rock Avenue between the numbers of 254 and 288 & homes on Westview Avenue between 1 and 18. To learn more about what a Boil Water Advisory means, click here.

Further alerts will also be posted on our Borough social media pages and through our CivicReady alert system. Please ensure you are following the Borough social media pages and you have signed up and/or updated your information through CivicReady by clicking here.