Mayor Spango Statement on the Retirement of State Sen. Richard J. Codey


The Borough of Roseland wishes our State Senator, and former Governor, Richard Codey, all the best as he retires after 50 years in the state legislature.

"The retirement of Governor Codey from the state legislature will leave shoes that will be immensely difficult to fill. Governor Codey has left a legacy of tirelessly advocating for those who can not advocate for themselves," said Roseland Mayor James R. Spango.

"Of all his achievements as a legislator, that in itself, is his greatest accomplishment. A true measure of a public servant is one who cares for those who can’t care for themselves and Governor Codey epitomized this day in and day out. The Borough of Roseland and the state of NJ were lucky to have Governor Codey as our friend, representative and advocate. We wish him all the best in the next chapter of his life."