Roseland Remembers September 11, 2001

WTC Memorial Flag

On this September 11th, we take time to pause, reflect, and remember those who perished on what started as that beautiful, blue sky day that we remember as September 11, 2001.

We remember that those who died were people who just went to work that day in the World Trade Centers, in the Pentagon, and those police, fire, and EMS workers who simply responded to what was unfolding in front of them as they were trained to do.

We remember the heroes who saved lives and led people to safety when hope appeared lost. We remember the brave airline passengers who gave up their lives to save what likely would have been countless more as they performed an act of heroism to halt the evil intentions of the hijackers of Flight 93. We remember those who made it through but have suffered due to ailments sustained on that day and the days after with the cleanup of Ground Zero.

We remember how our country came together to mourn, to assist, and to rebuild. We remember how neighbors helped neighbors, communities rallied together, and we all stood together against what happened in our own backyard and to our nation.

In an unprecedented year, may we not only remember the tragic events that happened that day in 2001, but may we remember what our response was and that we should continue to show that same kindness, camaraderie, and community spirit as we all face the coronavirus pandemic that has devastated our area.

The Borough of Roseland will never forget.