2022 Fall Soccer

Event Flier

Signups for the 2022 Fall Soccer Program have now begun! Register by July 1. Practices start on August 15. You can register by calling the Recreation Office at 973-403-6899 or by registering online through Community Pass.

Leagues are set up by different grades - Boys and Girls in Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4, Grades 5-6, and Grades 7-8 - and volunteer coaches are needed for the various leagues. Please sign up using the grade that your child is entering into for the fall of 2022. There is a $100 fee to participate.

Shin guards are mandatory for each player and cleats are strongly recommended. Neither shin guards or cleats are provided by the Recreation Department. The Recreation Department also does not honor requests to be placed on a specific team. Volunteer coaches are also needed, so consider volunteering and helping out!

Please call the Recreation Department at 973-403-6899 if you have questions about the any rules or regulations.